Monday, December 27, 2021

The Sacred Feminine “The Goddess Within”

  Sacred Feminine 

 (The Goddess Within)

 (The course)

 This course is something I’d developed in 2019 due to a lack of understanding on this all important

refining aspect within today’s modern society. Furthermore, what it is, and how vital it is to embody the 

sacred energies of the Goddess within, via the archetypes of the Maiden, Mother and Crone. These 

archetypes are in turn the stages of “WOMEN” everywhere and should be better understood, 

exemplified and embodied as the sacred beings that we are (as women) manifest to be! The advent of 

our current tech driven society has brought humanity further and further away from our truest state of 

being. No more do women automatically stay at home and nurture hearth and home but have 

increasingly joined the competitiveness of the work-a-day world that was once primarily that of the

aggressive, combative masculine. Not that having a job outside of the home is a bad thing. However 

neglecting the nurturing nature of our spiritual, sanctified selves creates a paradigm that is more than 

difficult to assimilate. 

 This course is taught in three stages to correspond with the aforementioned archetypes of Maiden, 

Mother and Crone. We will work through this with a combination of written instructions, meditations, 

visualization and audio recordings from other light workers who have traversed the path before us. 

Counseling, sessions are further offered as part of this as well as accessing the Akashic Records (via 

Akashic records reading) through a one on one interaction with the instructor of the course.

 Finally you will have the opportunity interact with other members of the course through a group 

video chat. This will afford attendees the opportunity of discourse with others on the subject matter. 

This will be done over the course of three weeks with online classes being held via video chat for 

approximately 1-2hrs weekly dates and hours will be decided by whatever accommodates the

participants and instructor’s schedules. Also to keep this as potent, intimate and as respectful as 

possible we purposely keep each class to the maximum of 5 students. When the course is finished you 

will receive a certificate of completion. 

 I’m very much looking forward to meeting each and everyone who is drawn to this course and are

willing to take that all important voyage of self discovery, into their own heart, mind and soul to come to 

a better understanding of who they are, why they are here and what this all means. 

                                           Sincerely yours,  Priestess Maighread Birdsong

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

 Shadow Dancing (the course)

Hosted and presented by:

Priestess Maighread Birdsong





                        The overview...

This course will be taught in three parts and will deal with aspects of the self that most of us Hu-man beings prefer to keep hidden. But none the less we ALL have them and there is a great need to deal with the “shadow” or rather negative aspects of self before one can move on to detoxify ourselves from the poisonous programs that we have knowingly or unknowingly allowed to penetrate our livesFurthermore begin reachingoutward and inward for truth and knowledge that is waiting for us on our journey forward as we take control and become truly sovereign beings Thereby realizing that we are all deeply connected through the power of the universe that is part and parcel of all that is. Some may call this the Goddess/God Chi or prana, it could simply  be called “LIFE”!

To begin with we all could use helpful and positive habits or routines to break the chain of demeaning self talk and vibration lowering actions. Everyone makes mistakes and most everyone self chastises themselves afterwords.

EXAMPLE: While unloading the dishwasher a favorite coffee cup is dropped. One might instantaneously shout a phrase like “damn it” or “oh, shit’ neither is helpful and actually brings in the opportunity for even more negative self talk. Like...

“I should’ve known better than to unload the dishwasher while the dishes are still hot or damp!” Or it could even become more negative...

“I’m such a klutz!” Or just “I can’t seem to do anything right today!” 

This negative self talk can only make things worse and perpetuates more of the same. But keep in mind that most everyone does this from time to time so don’t beat yourself up even more about it. There are some simple techniques that one can easily use to counter act this and bring more light, love and clarity to any situation. 


The first part of this course will help to identify The Shadowsellf”, the times when we are most likely to react negatively, and go into more detail about what can be done to help counteract and even prevent us from any negative self talk in the future.

{This course will involve written material, group chat and one on one chat. Utilizing whatever device is best for those who attend. Evenings are the best time for me to do the group chats but the personal chats can be arraigned for times that work best for individual clients.}

The second part of the course will involve instruction on the techniques needed to deal with negative energy that may have inadvertently been implanted into the shadow self via negative input of family, parents, teachers, society or even clergy while growing up and the way that each one has dealt with or reacted to the input from others. 

The third portion will deal with actually integrating the positive techniques to counteract the negativity as well as some energetic healing that I will offer via reiki attunements and light language codes that will smooth the path ahead making it a bit easier to transmute anything dark, negative or unhealthy into somethingmore useful to our individual pathFurthermore to integrate knowledge that it takes time, effort, unconditional love and forgiveness of self as well as others to accomplish any goal of self awareness and connection to the truest soul self.

#shadowwork #spiritualhealing #selfhealing

Sunday, July 11, 2021

“The Serial Cereal Company” (Who habitually manipulated employees and children) [incomplete]


DISCLAIMER: Some of the names and places have been changed to deflect any guilt from the innocent toward those who may be truly guilty. These memories came to me after using “self hypnosis” so I was not influenced by any outside agenda. The original intent was to recall interesting and heartwarming memories to hopefully be published in household magazines.Example of my writing

 I know that the title sounds horrendous and it is! Or rather from my firsthand experience was very reprehensible. A company who created food stuffs primarily for children, to act with such an abandoned sense of ethics in the high money world of mass manufacturing products for public consumption.  Well this is my personal story through something that could’ve turned out far worse than it did. I will not divulge the cereal company involved because it is far to powerful to even want to go to Battle with. I’d soon find myself up the well known Creek if I revealed the name of this corporation that is now a worldwide entity that likely has connections to the three letter agencies that Americans have learned to fear reprisals from. 

I take you back to a simpler time a small suburban home on the outskirts of Kalamazoo Michigan in the year 1963. My auntie Kell and uncle Ogg came from their home in “Snapcrackekpop town” to pick up myself and my older brother for a 2 week vacation during summer break from school. We were going to go up to the peninsula to a place where we’d be staying  in a camp trailer called, “Pine Lake”or “Bear Pine Lake” something like that anyway.  So we got our stuff together and hopped into their car for the long trip northward.

When we arrived we went into the trailer to stow our things and change into swimming suits. It was all pretty fun for the short time we stayed. After a couple of days we were shuffled back into the car and driven to the home of our uncle and aunt. The next day I was told to put on my cutest sundress (one that must’ve been purchased for this occasion as I seem to recall having a tag poking me that auntie promptly removed after I mentioned it.)

We are once again put into the car this time for a short drive to a beautiful mansion with a lawn as big as any city park I’ had ever seen. There were families all around with bbq grills dispersed here and there, picnic tables and canopies every so often containing lawn chairs, coolers and other stuff.

As I recall they had all of the typical middle America picnic events like the watermelon eating contest, three legged race as well as some silly ring toss games I was coherence into playing with some strange kids while my aunt and uncle spoke in hushed tones to other adults. There was a big tent with a clown outside making balloon animals for the older kids in line. I had wanted to go but I was told that it was for kids from 7-12, I was only 6. I was a bit upset but was assured that I could come to this picnic every year if I wanted. The sun slowly started to go down and the event ended with a lovely fireworks display! 

Now at this point you could very well be saying to yourselves, “That doesn’t sound horrendous at all!” And you would be right but the horrible stuff that I would like to tell about hasn’t happened yet. At least not to me. (I do recall my older brother acting very groggy during the firework display. He was lying on the blanket not paying much attention and he was one of those boys who loved putting firecrackers in anthills and blowing them open. He loved fireworks)

So the summer of 1964 rolls around and I’m excited to go on vacation with my uncle and auntie once again. My brother was less excited. He seemed a bit reluctant like he was feeling bad or just weird about his actions at the fireworks display the year before. But once auntie and uncle arrived he seemed eager to go as uncle had told him of plans for a guys fishing trip while auntie and had a proper ladies garden party to attend.

Now this is where my memory gets a bit jumbled. I know that we went to this “company picnic” at least two or three more times 64, 65 and maybe 66. (We moved away from Michigan in August of 66 due to dad’s poor health. We moved to Arizona to help his emphysema.) Although  the events seem to be a bit scrambled together in my mind. I’ll do the best of my ability to tell about the last two times. Also I’d like to mention that our uncle who worked for this cereal company seemed a bit reluctant toward virtually being a requirement of his position in this company to bring at least 2 children every year to the picnic and ensuing festivities. 

My auntie I attended a proper “Ladies” garden party where I met some other girls around my age. I was so excited because I’d been taken by my auntie to buy a new complete outfit for this occasion. A lovely pink and white sundress along with a matching hat and shoes. I had even gotten my hair done. (Coming from a family of 5 kids and being only 6 or 7 I’d  never gone to a beauty salon before) All of this made it memorable and I was feeling quite special. 

I even learned to play croquet with the 2 girls and some other people who seemed to be there to keep us entertained. A bit weird for this kid who’s best entertainment was frolicking in the woods behind our house and eating wild berries. But I thought that was just the way rich folks lived and I went along with it.

A few days later we were back at uncle’s house and he and my brother cleaned and cooked the fish they’d caught on their fishing trip. Yummy and fun as I recall. The next day was the annual picnic so we were instructed to go to bed early so as to be rested up for all of the events.

Saturday, July 10, 2021

Learning, or “remembering” how to speak the languages of light

 It has been my honor to speak light language for many years. This is so much more than a simple method of communication from one conscious being to another. The words, sounds, vibrational tones contained actual light that is imperceptible to the eye yet understood completely in the multidimensional realms. It’s hard to quantify all of the myriad of ways this speech (and so much more) can vibrationally effect the world around us, within us and everything in between.  

I’ve been helping activate this ability within many of my clients with great success. Though it can be slow going and each individual connects to this energetic form and expresses it in many ways. If you find yourself doodling or scribbling this can be a form of light language writing. There are many who do this as an artistic method of creating beautiful and stimulating images. Others find themselves singing it. Along with dance, hand movements and other methods of expression that can be completely individualized. 

If you find yourself interested in participating in remembering this spiritual birthright please feel free to contact me. I can facilitate your connection to light language through various methods. I will be available to mentor you through the process as well as giving course audios from the lessons I received. Look me up on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or any of the other platforms I can be found on for more information or a consultation.

It is my privilege, honor and duty to serve. Many blessings to one and all. ~M~


Wednesday, May 26, 2021

The Eyes of Tutankhamun

                                                                 The Eyes of Tutankhamun 


         As a young wife and mother living in “1979’s” Northern California Bay Area I had the opportunity to view “The Treasures of Tutankhamun”. My then husband’s cousin had come down from Oregon with tickets for a special showing of the aforementioned artifacts. It was to be at the DeYoung museum in Golden gate Park in beautiful San Francisco. Only federal employees, their families and guests would attend.

         I was 22 years old at this time and was still a bit vain and frivolous in my thinking. I still remember saying to myself, “What should I wear to this event? After all I’ve never met a king before. A long dead king but a king none the less.” I finely settled on the 70’s version of “the little black dress”.  I was quite thin back-in-the-day, with long blond hair that fell nearly to my 22” waist. And being 6’2” I looked quite dramatic clad all in black!

“PERFECT!” I thought to myself. (Or as close to it as I could come at the time.)

         We lived in the East bay and the drive took more than an hour. Yet it was to prove well worth it. The drive seemed to go quickly and upon arriving we found a parking space on the far side of the park. The walk to the museum was both lovely and lively. As we passed through the Rose Garden, the sent of flowers in full bloom permeated the fall air. And only once were we swarmed by a group of roller skaters! (This was long before inline skates. There were always vans outside the park where these four-wheeled boots might be rented.)

         As we reached the entrance of the museum all we could see was this long line that wrapped around the side of the building. I began to wonder just how long it was going to take to finely gain admittance. The wait wasn’t very long; I was amazed that, even with all of the people, it didn’t seem to take long at all! Although, while we waited, my husband’s cousin regaled us with stories of an arduous trip from Oregon, to hear him tell it the trip was “The Northwest Passage” all over again. But being a grateful recipient of his tickets I held my sarcastic remarks and smiled at the telling of his long hard journey, remarking how difficult it must have been with a pregnant wife.

         As we entered the exhibition hall our jovial mood turned to one of solemn reverence. “Time to meet the king!” I thought to my self. 

         We walked slowly, taking in the aura, which permeated the room with awe and wonder. A calm, cool feeling washed over me as I viewed the personal objects of the young kings life. An ivory chair he had used as a small child, the combs and earrings of his young wife and an article used by the couple made of human hair. Such a personal look into the life of the young Pharaoh, it brought a silent sigh to my heart.

         At the center of this eclectic and wondrous collection of items “representing one man’s life”, there was the golden mask of Tut himself! Just as I arrived to this portion of the exhibit, I felt a gentle breeze flutter across my cheek. Then a low deep voice whispering, “MARTA….Marta… marta.”  I turned with a start and then came face to face with the radiant image of Pharaoh Tutankamun!

         This gleaming, glorious, golden face with deep dark brown eyes enthralled me! I felt almost magnetically drawn to it. Again the voice beckoned, “Marta.” Although Marta is not my name, Margaret (my given name) differs only a syllable or two. Somehow I felt as though it WAS my name and moved closer in response. 

         I do not know how long I stood there. Standing there, just gazing into the ancient face of this long dead “Boy King" I was glued to his stony gaze. But eventually my husband came back to find me still as a rock motionlessly staring at the mask. The other patrons were looking at me standing there as if in some sort of a trance. He touched my arm and suddenly I was back among the crowd.

    It was not till many years later when I had the vivid dreams of this event that I recalled what had actually occurred between the mask and I.

       However the rest of the exhibit was truly astoundingly beautiful! The last artifact was a chest with hieroglyphics all around it.   As we passed this object I saw an older woman with an eyeglass looking closely as if reading the glyphs. I thought to my self, “Is she really reading that stuff or is she just being pretentious?” But now in hindsight I’m sure she was reading the long dead script of ancient Egypt. (Admittedly it was a bit beyond my concept at the time.) And then on to the banquet! 

       It was a huge and varied array of delicious treats. There were huge beef roasts, every fruit imaginable, breads and cheeses of all kinds. And just about any sort of drink you can think of was being presented in a sort of buffet. 

       While we were all enjoying this delicious meal there came in a lovely lady clad all in shear vails. She began dancing through the crowd. With symbols tapping out rhythm on her well manicured fingers and bells and tiny symbols attached to her waist and toes she danced to her own music. ‘Till the faint sound of a strumming lute was also to be heard followed by ancient instruments of all sorts. It was all quite magical.

       I’ve come a very long way from this event yet it burns so clear in my mind’s eye. Through much study, meditation and other esoteric practices I’ve come to know my true soul self all starting from this one point and time when I gazed into, “The Eyes of Tutankhamun” 

“The birth of king Tut” <— My QHHT session excerpt (this session was done in 2016 in Corpus Christi Texas)

Thursday, April 15, 2021

“New Arcturian Healing” classes start soon!

 Through my work with the languages of light as well as being a Reiki Master and energy healer I’ve developed and been gifted with this high vibrational healing modality I call. “New Arcturian Healing”

Along with transmissions of light language activations and the assistance from the higher realms and Arcturian guides and healing teams. Accompanied  with inspired information and instruction from the benevolent beings this course has been successfully completed. The participants are now on their way to teach and spread this awesome healing modality of the highest vibration far and wide. I’m so overwhelmed with the progress of our first class that I’m moved to offer a new class starting May third.

Please contact me for more information if you are interested in taking this game-changing course. Many blessings of live and light to one and all! ~M~

Saturday, January 23, 2021


 Like the Phoenix we start a bright new day. Transforming from the ashes of the past to the total and complete energies of this burgeoning new amazing paradigm. What could be more glorious than that!?!?! The fire of transformation is upon us and all we need do is reach out our hands. “Flight of the Phoenix, Cry of the Phoenix and Phoenix Rising Reiki” together are a  formidable force that can assist with this time of transformation. Working completely on donations I present this energy package as a gift to all who seek renewal and transformation at this time. Contact me via pm if you’re interested in learning more. πŸ”₯πŸ’–Many blessings to one and all! ~M~πŸ”₯πŸ’–