DISCLAIMER: Some of the names and places have been changed to deflect any guilt from the innocent toward those who may be truly guilty. These memories came to me after using “self hypnosis” so I was not influenced by any outside agenda. The original intent was to recall interesting and heartwarming memories to hopefully be published in household magazines.Example of my writing
I know that the title sounds horrendous and it is! Or rather from my firsthand experience was very reprehensible. A company who created food stuffs primarily for children, to act with such an abandoned sense of ethics in the high money world of mass manufacturing products for public consumption. Well this is my personal story through something that could’ve turned out far worse than it did. I will not divulge the cereal company involved because it is far to powerful to even want to go to Battle with. I’d soon find myself up the well known Creek if I revealed the name of this corporation that is now a worldwide entity that likely has connections to the three letter agencies that Americans have learned to fear reprisals from.
I take you back to a simpler time a small suburban home on the outskirts of Kalamazoo Michigan in the year 1963. My auntie Kell and uncle Ogg came from their home in “Snapcrackekpop town” to pick up myself and my older brother for a 2 week vacation during summer break from school. We were going to go up to the peninsula to a place where we’d be staying in a camp trailer called, “Pine Lake”or “Bear Pine Lake” something like that anyway. So we got our stuff together and hopped into their car for the long trip northward.
When we arrived we went into the trailer to stow our things and change into swimming suits. It was all pretty fun for the short time we stayed. After a couple of days we were shuffled back into the car and driven to the home of our uncle and aunt. The next day I was told to put on my cutest sundress (one that must’ve been purchased for this occasion as I seem to recall having a tag poking me that auntie promptly removed after I mentioned it.)
We are once again put into the car this time for a short drive to a beautiful mansion with a lawn as big as any city park I’ had ever seen. There were families all around with bbq grills dispersed here and there, picnic tables and canopies every so often containing lawn chairs, coolers and other stuff.
As I recall they had all of the typical middle America picnic events like the watermelon eating contest, three legged race as well as some silly ring toss games I was coherence into playing with some strange kids while my aunt and uncle spoke in hushed tones to other adults. There was a big tent with a clown outside making balloon animals for the older kids in line. I had wanted to go but I was told that it was for kids from 7-12, I was only 6. I was a bit upset but was assured that I could come to this picnic every year if I wanted. The sun slowly started to go down and the event ended with a lovely fireworks display!
Now at this point you could very well be saying to yourselves, “That doesn’t sound horrendous at all!” And you would be right but the horrible stuff that I would like to tell about hasn’t happened yet. At least not to me. (I do recall my older brother acting very groggy during the firework display. He was lying on the blanket not paying much attention and he was one of those boys who loved putting firecrackers in anthills and blowing them open. He loved fireworks)
So the summer of 1964 rolls around and I’m excited to go on vacation with my uncle and auntie once again. My brother was less excited. He seemed a bit reluctant like he was feeling bad or just weird about his actions at the fireworks display the year before. But once auntie and uncle arrived he seemed eager to go as uncle had told him of plans for a guys fishing trip while auntie and had a proper ladies garden party to attend.
Now this is where my memory gets a bit jumbled. I know that we went to this “company picnic” at least two or three more times 64, 65 and maybe 66. (We moved away from Michigan in August of 66 due to dad’s poor health. We moved to Arizona to help his emphysema.) Although the events seem to be a bit scrambled together in my mind. I’ll do the best of my ability to tell about the last two times. Also I’d like to mention that our uncle who worked for this cereal company seemed a bit reluctant toward virtually being a requirement of his position in this company to bring at least 2 children every year to the picnic and ensuing festivities.
My auntie I attended a proper “Ladies” garden party where I met some other girls around my age. I was so excited because I’d been taken by my auntie to buy a new complete outfit for this occasion. A lovely pink and white sundress along with a matching hat and shoes. I had even gotten my hair done. (Coming from a family of 5 kids and being only 6 or 7 I’d never gone to a beauty salon before) All of this made it memorable and I was feeling quite special.
I even learned to play croquet with the 2 girls and some other people who seemed to be there to keep us entertained. A bit weird for this kid who’s best entertainment was frolicking in the woods behind our house and eating wild berries. But I thought that was just the way rich folks lived and I went along with it.
A few days later we were back at uncle’s house and he and my brother cleaned and cooked the fish they’d caught on their fishing trip. Yummy and fun as I recall. The next day was the annual picnic so we were instructed to go to bed early so as to be rested up for all of the events.
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