Monday, December 27, 2021

The Sacred Feminine “The Goddess Within”

  Sacred Feminine 

 (The Goddess Within)

 (The course)

 This course is something I’d developed in 2019 due to a lack of understanding on this all important

refining aspect within today’s modern society. Furthermore, what it is, and how vital it is to embody the 

sacred energies of the Goddess within, via the archetypes of the Maiden, Mother and Crone. These 

archetypes are in turn the stages of “WOMEN” everywhere and should be better understood, 

exemplified and embodied as the sacred beings that we are (as women) manifest to be! The advent of 

our current tech driven society has brought humanity further and further away from our truest state of 

being. No more do women automatically stay at home and nurture hearth and home but have 

increasingly joined the competitiveness of the work-a-day world that was once primarily that of the

aggressive, combative masculine. Not that having a job outside of the home is a bad thing. However 

neglecting the nurturing nature of our spiritual, sanctified selves creates a paradigm that is more than 

difficult to assimilate. 

 This course is taught in three stages to correspond with the aforementioned archetypes of Maiden, 

Mother and Crone. We will work through this with a combination of written instructions, meditations, 

visualization and audio recordings from other light workers who have traversed the path before us. 

Counseling, sessions are further offered as part of this as well as accessing the Akashic Records (via 

Akashic records reading) through a one on one interaction with the instructor of the course.

 Finally you will have the opportunity interact with other members of the course through a group 

video chat. This will afford attendees the opportunity of discourse with others on the subject matter. 

This will be done over the course of three weeks with online classes being held via video chat for 

approximately 1-2hrs weekly dates and hours will be decided by whatever accommodates the

participants and instructor’s schedules. Also to keep this as potent, intimate and as respectful as 

possible we purposely keep each class to the maximum of 5 students. When the course is finished you 

will receive a certificate of completion. 

 I’m very much looking forward to meeting each and everyone who is drawn to this course and are

willing to take that all important voyage of self discovery, into their own heart, mind and soul to come to 

a better understanding of who they are, why they are here and what this all means. 

                                           Sincerely yours,  Priestess Maighread Birdsong

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